


One of the kidneys’ most important tasks is to maintain fluid and mineral balance by filtering the blood. Hemodialysis treatment is necessary when the kidneys of patients who have been diagnosed with chronical kidney failure cannot fulfill this task.

Fistula (Arteriovenous Fistula)

Within the Hemodialysis Vascular Access routes, the best method for the patient is the AV Fistula. The AV Fistula operation is realized by connecting the artery and the vein in the forearm.

Catheter (Central Venous Catheter)

Catheter care training is provided to our patients who are receiving the hemodialysis treatment with Central Venous Catheter in our clinics. Furthermore, our patients are evaluated regarding catheter infections and their catheter care is performed after the treatment.

Diet & Nutrition

Our clinics employ a full-time dietitian. Our patients are regularly checked according to the monthly blood test results and special nutrition is prepared according to the analysis results.

For more information about dialysis and our centers

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